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predicting responses to climate change

from molecules to populations and ecosystems

about the lab

Our research group, led by Dr Natalie Pilakouta, is based in the Centre for Biological Diversity at University of St Andrews. The overarching aim of our work is to improve our ability to predict population responses to human-induced environmental changes and, in particular, climate change. We are also interested in linking these population responses to the underlying molecular mechanisms and their effects on ecosystem-level processes.

Working towards this goal, our research integrates behavioural ecology, evolutionary biology, and ecophysiology, using a wide range of methods, such as experimental evolution, field-based studies, molecular biology techniques, and theoretical approaches. We work mainly on fish and insect study systems, but our work is question-driven rather than species-driven. We also use meta-analytic techniques to answer questions with a broad taxonomic scope. If you are interested in joining the lab, click here for more information and any open positions.



December 2024 ― Hot off the press! Our meta-analysis of the effects of climate change on the fertility of aquatic species is now out in Ecology Letters


December 2024 ― We're advertising three PhD projects for a September 2025 start date - informal enquires welcome


December 2024 ― Amber and Natalie are presenting virtual talks at the British Ecological Society Meeting

November 2024 ― New paper in Ecology and Evolution showing that intraspecific variation in parental care may reflect variation in parental quality


October 2024 ― Natalie gave an invited talk at the International Congress in Ecology and Evolution in Lyon, France


October 2024 ― A big welcome to Solene Morelle who just joined the lab as a research assistant

September 2024 ― Hot off the press! Check out our new paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B on the multiplicative effects of chronic and acute thermal stressors on animal fertility


September 2024 ― New paper in Animal Behaviour showing that heatwaves during early development can have long-term effects on parental care in adulthood


September 2024 ― This month, we welcome Hannah Hughes and Caitlin Tennant who have joined the lab for their Honours projects

August 2024 ― A warm welcome to Jakob Wiil (PhD student) and Isobel Grieve (MRes student) who have just joined the lab!

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